War and Peace 2022
It's war again in Europe, in Ukraine 2022 - Dislocations, tensions between nations around the globe are booming.
More and more nationalists, despots / idiots are coming to power in many countries!
Peace is in danger worldwide, wars are threatening everywhere.
The reasons are always the same, always the same game - power, greed, economic interests of a shameless and unscrupulous minority
Predominantly young people are drafted into armies, even against their will, abused for questionable interests and sacrificed on
War cemeteries around the world are witnesses to how people are robbed of their future, have no chance to ever live their wishes and dreams,
their future!
Mankind is probably not capable of learning from the horrors of the past, because it has not yet understood that all people on this
wonderful planet are equal, have the same rights and duties, and want to live in peace and freedom.
The songwriter Reinhard Mey and friends wrote a song that deserves to be distributed worldwide.
It's time to put an end to this madness. Peaceful, dignified but consistent.
Can humanity take this step or will it remain wishful thinking, illusion, dreams?
A start would be made, just like the song sings about! - but this requires courage and courage